When to have a tummy tuck?
Using a tummy tuck (also called abdominoplasty or abdominoplasty) we can repair the skin of the abdomen, which can be sagging and stretched for various reasons (pregnancy, weight loss, aging). If the excess skin is only below the navel, a mini-tummy tuck is sufficient. If the entire abdominal wall is sagging, including the skin and muscles above the navel, then a total abdominoplasty is the best solution.
In this procedure, the excess skin is removed and the navel is moved upward. The large scar runs across the lower abdomen from one hip to the outside of the other hip. Of course, we do our best to keep the scars within the “bikini line” as much as possible. Usually the navel is re-sutured, so that a scar is also created around the navel. Abdominoplasty can give you a significantly flatter and tighter abdomen.
The treatment process
The steps of an abdominoplasty
- The consultation
- Preoperative
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Risks
- Result
During this consultation, the doctor will assess whether you are a suitable candidate for a tummy tuck and discuss everything to do with the treatment: which method is best for you, what result you can expect, the possible risks and aftercare.
The doctor will ask about your medical background, what medications you are taking, the use of any blood thinning medications that you should take at least one week before the treatment should stop.
The doctor will also ask what your wishes and expectations are.
He can then indicate whether the procedure can meet those expectations.
And also whether a combination with another treatment method may be an option.
You will be given a prescription for a two-week course of antibiotics preoperatively, which serves as coverage over the procedure.
Furthermore, an antiseptic iodinated soap with which you will clean yourself the day before the procedure and the morning before the procedure.
No body lotion and/or nail polish to be used before the procedure.
Before treatment, photographs are taken for your medical records.
Abdominal wall plastic surgery is always performed by an experienced plastic surgeon under sedation anesthesia.
The surgeon first makes a slightly curved horizontal incision above the pubic mound.
From there, skin and fat are loosened up to the rib arch, while the navel remains attached to the underlying muscle layer.
Then, if necessary, the surgeon brings the stretched abdominal muscles together in their normal place.
The excess skin and fat are removed and the navel is sutured in a new place.
The treatment takes about 2 to 3 hours.
After the procedure, the abdominal skin is bandaged and you lie in bed with your hips bent.
This is necessary to reduce the tension on the wound edges.
Two tubes (drains) will come out of your abdomen to drain any blood and/or wound fluid.
These drains are usually removed the day after surgery.
You may leave the clinic at the time your doctor deems appropriate (usually after one, or one and a half hours).
You will not be allowed to drive yourself.
So make sure you arrange for someone to take you home.
You probably won’t have much pain after surgery, but you will be given painkillers if necessary.
If your abdominal muscles are reattached, you may have pain and discomfort with coughing, laughing and pushing after surgery.
The first two to three weeks after surgery the abdominal wall needs to heal.
It is best to rest during this time, and at least you should not do any heavy physical work.
After two weeks you can resume your daily activities, and after six weeks you can return to heavier work and sports.
For the first few months, the scars may be quite fiery in color.
After this, they will increasingly take on the color of the skin and become less visible.
It is important not to expose the scars to the sun during the first year after the procedure.
The sun can cause them to discolor and bulge, making them longer visible.
Keep the scars covered or smear them with a very high protection factor (SPF 50).
Complications are fortunately rare thanks to the sophisticated technique we use.
General complications that can occur after any surgery are bleeding, infection, numbness (temporarily), poor wound healing and allergic reaction.
Another complication that may occur after any surgery is thrombosis.
Therefore, regular exercise or keeping moving is recommended.
Immediately after surgery, you can already clearly see that your abdomen has become much flatter and tighter.
The final result can only be judged one year after surgery.
Despite the significant scarring, most people are very happy with the results. During the final check-up at the clinic, photographs will be taken and added to your medical record.
Your Confidence, Our Quality
- Treatment by experienced doctors
- Free consultation
- Short waiting times, fast assistance
Or contact: +31 (0)43 601 495 8
MON – FRI 09:00 – 18:00